The Medicinal Gardening Handbook: A Complete Guide to Growing, Harvesting, and Using Healing Herbs by Dede Cummings, Alyssa Holmes
The Medicinal Gardening Handbook: A Complete Guide to Growing, Harvesting, and Using Healing Herbs by Dede Cummings, Alyssa Holmes PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In these pages, you’ll learn the basics of gardening in your backyardor on your windowsill or porchincluding instructions for preparing soil, composting, and weeding. You’ll then find detailed descriptions of the twelve most common, easy-to-grow, most useful healing herbs, with instructions for growing, harvesting, and utilizing them. These powerful plants include:
Garlic, which boosts immunity, reduces blood pressure, and combats cancer
Echinacea, which reduces inflammation, boosts immunity, and has antiviral properties
Yarrow, which accelerates the healing of wounds, is an anti-inflammatory, and can relieve PMS symptoms
Elderflower, which is an astringent and can relieve arthritis and soothe sore throats
Mint, which soothes digestive problems, sweetens breath, and can reduce fevers
Elecampane, a respiratory tonic with antibacterial and antifungal properties
And more!
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