Lawrence of Arabia's War: The Arabs, the British and the Remaking of the Middle East in WWI by Neil Faulkner
Lawrence of Arabia's War: The Arabs, the British and the Remaking of the Middle East in WWI by Neil Faulkner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In Lawrence of Arabia’s War, the author rewrites the history of T. E. Lawrence’s legendary military campaigns in the context of the Arab Revolt. He explores the intersections among the declining Ottoman Empire, the Bedouin tribes, nascent Arab nationalism, and Western imperial ambition. The book provides a new analysis of Ottoman resilience in the face of modern industrialized warfare, and it assesses the relative weight of conventional operations in Palestine and irregular warfare in Syria. Faulkner thus reassesses the historic roots of today’s divided, fractious, war-torn Middle East.
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