Senin, 18 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Creating Textured Landscapes with Pen, Ink and Watercolor by Claudia Nice

Creating Textured Landscapes with Pen, Ink and Watercolor by Claudia Nice

Creating Textured Landscapes with Pen, Ink and Watercolor

Creating Textured Landscapes with Pen, Ink and Watercolor by Claudia Nice PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Capture the Rich Textures of Nature, Step by Step

Capture nature's beauty as you never have before. Beloved artist and teacher Claudia Nice leads you on an inspired journey through the great outdoors. With paints in hand, she shares with you her best techniques for creating landscapes that come alive with richness, depth and textured detail.

Open this guide and start painting right away. As you follow engaging, step-by-step demonstrations and exercises, you'll learn to recreate the textural elements of a range of terrains and landscapes. Chapters include:

  • Creative clouds and skies
  • Majestic mountains, hills and mesas
  • Texturing trees, trunks and foliage
  • Rugged rocks and gritty gravel
  • Transparent textures for rivers, falls and lakes
  • Flowers of the field

In a special section, Claudia covers basic texturing techniques with mini demos using lines, dots, bruising, scribbling, spattering, blotting, printing, stamping and more. From paints and pens to sponges, leaves and facial tissue, you'll explore all kinds of fun and inventive ways to create amazing textures.

And to help you put it all together, Claudia includes her masterful advice for creating compositions using reference photos, field sketches and your own creative license. Each demonstration features a large image of the completed landscape, so you can see exactly how Claudia's methods work - from start to finish.

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