PeopleSmart: Developing Your Interpersonal Intelligence by Melvin L. Silberman
PeopleSmart: Developing Your Interpersonal Intelligence by Melvin L. Silberman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The authors present a realistic four-step plan for self-improvement. Theyll teach you to see the current depth of each skill in yourself, encourage you to develop it, provide clear suggestions for how to put it into action, and inspire you to live it every day. Nothing short of an interpersonal fitness plan complete with creative exercises, examples, and tools -- ""PeopleSmart"" will empower you to become the kind of person who can establish solid relationships, connect with others, and effectively link the their needs with what you have to offer.
""As e-commerce 'commoditizes the world, PeopleSmart is the preeminent intelligence. Seldom do you see scholars become this practical! Theoretically sound. Well researched. Very reader friendly!""
-- Stephen Covey, author of ""The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People""
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