Comanche Marker Trees of Texas by Steve Houser, Linda Pelon, Jimmy W. Arterberry
Comanche Marker Trees of Texas by Steve Houser, Linda Pelon, Jimmy W. Arterberry PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A genuine marker tree is a rare find—only six of these natural and cultural treasures have been officially documented in Texas and recognized by the Comanche Nation. The latter third of the book highlights the characteristics of these six marker trees and gives an up-to-date history of each, displaying beautiful photographs of these long-standing, misshapen, controversial symbols that have withstood the tests of time and human activity.
Thoroughly researched and richly illustrated with maps, drawings, and photographs of trees, this book offers a close look at the unique cultural significance of these living witnesses to our history and provides detailed guidelines on how to recognize, research, and report potential marker tree candidates.
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