Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Day of the Dead - Sugar Skulls 2: Anti-Stress Coloring Book (Complicated Coloring) by Complicated Coloring

Day of the Dead - Sugar Skulls 2: Anti-Stress Coloring Book (Complicated Coloring) by Complicated Coloring

Day of the Dead - Sugar Skulls 2: Anti-Stress Coloring Book (Complicated Coloring)

Day of the Dead - Sugar Skulls 2: Anti-Stress Coloring Book (Complicated Coloring) by Complicated Coloring PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Day of the Dead - Sugar Skulls - Book 2
A bigger and more complex set of Sugar Skull designs - illustrated by Antony Briggs

Each page is single sided, with a black skull watermark design on the reverse side.
Designs include: A Gamer Skull, Female Skulls, a Cat Skull, a Butterfly Skull, a Bearded Hippy Skull, a Robot Skull and lots more!!

26 Black line skulls on a black background - These take less time to complete. The black background really makes your colors stand out.
26 Grey line skulls on a white background - Use the original image as a guide. These pages take longer to finish, but you have the option of changing the line color and filling in the background.
3 Blank templates - Design and color your own complicated calaveras.

Part of the Complicated Coloring series. Intricate coloring books for Grown-ups and advanced colorists.

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