Photographing Montana (Photographer's Guides) by Gordon Sullivan
Photographing Montana (Photographer's Guides) by Gordon Sullivan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Gordon Sullivan, a Montana native and professional photographer, will guide you to the highlights of the state and shows you how to shoot those places most effectively and when to do so in terms of weather, light conditions etc. Further, Gordon’s lifetime in the state will lead you to many backroad opportunities and access points not known to the occasional visitor.
Montana is a virtual treasure trove of photographic opportunities―from the high peaks of Glacier National Park, to the seemingly endless vistas of the high plateaus, to the sparse and forbidding badlands of far Eastern Montana. Gordon Sullivan, a Montana native and professional photographer, will guide you to the highlights of the state and shows you how to shoot those places most effectively and when to do so in terms of weather, light conditions etc. Further, Gordon’s lifetime in the state will lead you to many backroad opportunities and access points not known to the occasional visitor. With every tourist now having a reasonably good camera at their disposal―even in their cellphone, no one should be without this guide to capturing one of the most beautiful places in the country.From reader reviews:
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