Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ The Flu 2: Healing (Volume 2) by Jacqueline Druga

The Flu 2: Healing (Volume 2) by Jacqueline Druga

The Flu 2: Healing (Volume 2)

The Flu 2: Healing (Volume 2) by Jacqueline Druga PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A deadly flu pandemic has decimated humanity. Now, the remaining twenty percent of the population must rise from the ashes to rebuild. The losses are great and no one is immune to the residual heartache that lingers in the air of the barren cities. Life goes on. Mick Owens, struggling to come to terms with his own grief, takes his surviving young sons away from their hometown and the memories it holds. But their short trip to clear their minds turns ugly when the world outside of Lodi Ohio isn’t what they expected and they become separated. In a world without communication and power, a land without law and order, Mick desperately follows the trail in search of his missing sons. But in his attempts to find them, he discovers that even in a barren world, the danger of extinction still exists as another threat, one even bigger than the flu, is on the horizon.

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