Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Hungers and Compulsions: The Psychodynamic Treatment of Eating Disorders and Addictions

Hungers and Compulsions: The Psychodynamic Treatment of Eating Disorders and Addictions

Hungers and Compulsions: The Psychodynamic Treatment of Eating Disorders and Addictions

Hungers and Compulsions: The Psychodynamic Treatment of Eating Disorders and Addictions PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book will help therapists understand and treat patients suffering from mild to dangerous forms of eating disorders as well as other compulsions and addictions, such as alcoholism and erotic attachments. The chapters help therapists think creatively about these types of patients, and to see the effects of treatment. The problems that arise in therapy are explored in essays about dissociation, selfregulation, selfdestructive behavior, enactment, and other clinical issues.

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Hungers and Compulsions: The Psychodynamic Treatment of Eating Disorders and Addictions EPub

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