Senin, 17 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ The Dynamic Individualism of William James by James O Pawelski

The Dynamic Individualism of William James by James O Pawelski

The Dynamic Individualism of William James

The Dynamic Individualism of William James by James O Pawelski PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Dynamic Individualism of William James analyzes James s rich and complex thought through an examination of his individualism. A central theme of James s writings, individualism underlies his basic views on freedom, society, government, psychology, education, religion, pragmatism, and metaphysics yet, until now, no one has undertaken a careful study of this important aspect of James's thought. With close readings of texts that include The Principles of Psychology, The Varieties of Religious Experience, and A Pluralistic Universe, James O. Pawelski engages the range of contexts in which James discusses individualism, offers a refreshingly new reading of his work, and, in seeking to resolve James s own psychology, presents an original and convincing case for his dynamic individualism."

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