Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Native Americans: Patriotism, Exceptionalism, and the New American Identity by James S Robbins

Native Americans: Patriotism, Exceptionalism, and the New American Identity by James S Robbins

Native Americans: Patriotism, Exceptionalism, and the New American Identity

Native Americans: Patriotism, Exceptionalism, and the New American Identity by James S Robbins PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Are you an American? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, increasing numbers of people are claiming “American” as their national ancestry. In our melting pot of cultures, they are taking a stand as authentic representatives of the American nation. This growing social phenomenon serves as the launching point for a discussion of what twenty-first century Americanism means—its roots and its significance—and the unrelenting assault from multiculturalists who believe that the term “American” either signifies nothing or is a badge of shame. Author James S. Robbins describes the foundations of the American ideal, the core set of beliefs that define American values, and the ways in which these standards have been undermined and corrupted. He also makes the case for the benefits of an objective standard of what it means to be an American and for returning to the values that turned America from an undeveloped wilderness to the most exceptional country in the world.

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